Dromiskin Round Tower

The Tower


Round Tower

A monastery was founded here by a disciple of St Patrick, Lughaidh (died around 515). The squat looking tower still stands at over 15 metres tall. It was higher originally but alterations to the top have taken place at some stage. The Romanesque doorway stands almost 4 metres above ground level. The doorway has two orders. The outer order appears to be missing two columns. The decorated capitals

The Doorway

still remain. Outside of each capital there is a very worn mask built into the drum. The monastery was plundered by both the Irish and Vikings in the 10th and 11th centuries. Also present at the site is a 10th century High Cross and the gable and foundation of a 13th century Church.

Situated: From Drogheda take the N1 North, through Castlebellingham. About 2 kms down take a left (sign-posted) for Dromiskin. The tower is on your right.

Discovery Map 36: O 0522 9815. Last visit Jan 2012.

Longitude: 6° 23' 54" W

Latitude: 53° 55' 19" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

Tower and Church

Approx date: 12th Century

Dimensions: Height 15.24 m. Diameter: 5.22 m

Door: Above ground 3.7m. Type: Arched.

Windows: Five, 4 Later belfry windows. 1 angled window.

Features: Romanesque Doorway.

Cap: Later addition.

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