St Mogue's Well, Ferns

Locked entrance to the well

St Mogue's Well

Holy Well

I have visited this well on many occasions in the past but this was the first time I actually took photos. The well is cut off from the monastic site at Ferns by the rather busy N11. Like most things in Ferns, it is dedicated to St Mogue. There is a modern well house with locked gates, built in 1847, with steps leading down to the well which now appears to be under the roadway. Pictured below left is the carving of a head removed from the medieval Church at Clone. There is a small path leading north from the well house which takes you down to another spout from the well. This spout is enclosed in a modern shrine - see the photo bottom right. Further down the path is a small garden with a bench for people to sit and contemplate.

Very worn head carving removed from Clone.

Path leading down to the shrine and garden.

Situated: In Ferns County Wexford. If you drive south to Ferns on the N11 the well is located on your right just before you enter the town.

Discovery Map 69: T 0219 4991. Last visit July 2013.

Longitude: 6° 29' 31" W

Latitude: 52° 35' 27" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

Modern shrine and spout.

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