
Portal Tomb

This portal tomb consists of six upright stones forming a chamber with a capstone some 5 metres in length. The two portal stones stick out at the front and are at least 2 metres high. It is very difficult to photograph the portal of this dolmen as the front is bordered by some overgrown trees. After my first visit I was quite disappointed with the pictures I had taken but my next trip proved to be more fruitful.

These images are more dramatic and the dolmen looks so different from each angle. From one angle the megalith looks like a huge mushroom growing in the forest. Other monuments of interest around this area include Knockeen Dolmen and Matthewstown passage tomb.

Situated: From Waterford City take the N25 west, take a left at Tramore cross roads and at the second crossroads (signposted Gaulstown Dolmen) take a right turn, after 1 kilometre there is a gate on your left, again signposted, 100 metres up this track you will see a small gate on your left.

Discovery Map 75. S 5395 0627 Last visit Sept 2011.

Longitude: 7° 12' 38" W

Latitude: 52° 12' 21" N

Google Map.

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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